You guys, This episode didn’t make it into the original line-up for Season 1. It’s a 30-minute show, or so, and we had some connectivity difficulties on about 5 minute’s worth. We omitted it for the launch, but since have put it in. This episode is much too important not to include as it tees-up […]
$20 Million of Real Estate in Six Months
Well, that’s not exactly the whole truth. About $20M was what we paid. The re-positioned stabilized valuation should be $30M+. Introduction I started like many of you – with a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis… Well, perhaps not that. Hopefully not that. Most people look to real estate because they don’t want to work for the […]
New Podcast – An Honest and In-depth Conversation
Guys, I’ve been fortunate to appear on a lot of different podcasts over the years. All, hopefully, are educational to some extent. Some are quite entertaining. Few are truly in-depth. But, almost none are truly honest to the core… This is understandable. Everyone is selling something, and as a result, no one wants to offend anyone […]
Most Important Concept in Real Estate
What Are the Economic Losses in Apartment Investing
As it relates to things that cost money on a monthly and annualized basis in apartment investing there are two categories of items – those that you stroke a check for every month or year, and those that you don’t. The “stroke a check” category is easy to understand. The money was in your account, […]
Is It Better to Buy Real Estate in Big Cities?
Ladies and gents, SEO is not all that important to me. I am out of that game. But, having said that, I do want Google to pick some of these articles up. Forgive the title – it’s beneath me, but it’s just right for Google bots 🙂 Is It Better to Buy Real Estate in […]
Fantastic House Hacking Podcast with Cash Flow Guys
What can I say – some podcast appearances I do because that’s the nice thing to do when invited, while others I do cause I got to have some fun in life… This is one of those! Tyler Sheff, of The Cash Flow Guys, sounds a bit scary when he talks. Dude kinda sounds a […]
Luxury House Hacking Podcast
So, before I go on someone’s show I always make sure and take a listen to a few of their previously recorded podcast. Well, I knew that Brett and Jaren from the Simple Wholesaling Podcast were a bit on an “adorably goofy” side, which was fine and not worrisome. However, I also knew that they […]
House Hacking Podcast with Jake & Gino
I’ve got a treat for you today. I am close to publishing my new House Hacking book, and I had the opportunity to sit down with Jake & Gino of . These guys are apartment investors and this is my second time on their show. This podcast is an hour, but it’s funny and […]
What is House Hacking and How Does it Make Money?
You can afford anything you want, as long as it makes money! That’s the concept behind house hacking and how it makes you money This is the main concept I want you to keep in mind while you read all that follows. Understand that by its’ very nature, if the thing you want is able […]