The Real Estate Way to Wealth and Freedom podcast recently had me as a guest to discuss Luxury House Hacking. You can listen to the 57-minute podcast right here. Guys – Jacob is a smart dude. He has a lot of real estate experience, and we were able to have a good conversation. Interestingly, just […]
What is House Hacking and How Does it Make Money?
You can afford anything you want, as long as it makes money! That’s the concept behind house hacking and how it makes you money This is the main concept I want you to keep in mind while you read all that follows. Understand that by its’ very nature, if the thing you want is able […]
Real Estate Investors – Challenges, Naysayers, Uncertainty, and Doubt!
Being a real estate investor is full of challenges, naysayers, uncertainty, and doubt. You have to deal with contractor and tenants, both of whom are prone to temper-tantrums. You have to deal with local regulatory authorities, which can get redundant. You have to deal with failures, because things often don’t work as intended or planned. Real […]
What if I Fail with My First Real Estate Investing Deal?
I mentioned in a post not too long ago how I don’t have to think much about the titles for my articles, since they come to me in the form of questions and comments every day. Well, the one I want to talk about today is quintessential; if I could get a dollar for every […]
How to Make 20k in 2 Weeks
There are a lot of gurus, and in general less-scrupulous investors, who will tell you that if you are new to real estate investing and you really need some cash quickly, what you should do is wholesale a few houses. Even on the most reputable Real Estate Investing website, the, this message is unfortunately […]
Why People Succeed – It’s Simpler Than You Think…
Why people succeed – now there’s a question to kick off your 2014… I love it when in search for truth we overcomplicate things, and in the process remove ourselves infinitely further from the very truth we seek. This is nowhere truer than in the field of motivation/success – it seems that each new flavor […]
The Worst Advice in Real Estate Investing
Real estate investing is a difficult field to enter. It’s not really difficult as in “hard to comprehend”, I can teach anyone what they need to know to start with in the space of three months. But rather, the difficulty is in terms of isolating the most viable among the many apparent options which are […]
How to Persevere…?
How to persevere – the above title is not meant as a title of a lecture, but rather a question. The ability to not give up; to persevere; to hold on to the vision of our objective through thick and thin is indeed the thing that makes us successful – I think you would agree. […]
Effective Goal Setting – The Lesson of the Sugar Shack
Much has been written and spoken about effective goal setting as a means of driving oneself toward success. The self-help gurus will have you narrow your goals to make them measurable. They would then have you write goals down to make them “real” and to make yourself accountable – does this sound familiar? These may […]