House Hacking

House Hacking Book – Almost Here!

Guys – I’ve not been this excited in about 12 months, since we left Ohio to come to Arizona. Yep, that was exciting. But so is this!

*** Update *** The book is now live. Get it on Amazon here.

In About 1 Month I am Publishing My Book:


Some Perspective

All of us have a purpose in life (or at least everyone should). Mine is this:

My definite purpose in life is to use my Loyalty and Eccentricity to build amazing relationships with my family, friends, and clients, and every day to use my unique perspective on Passive Income and Entrepreneurship to enable and empower them to create financial security, stability, success, and peace of mind in a world of abundance where opportunity exists for those who act.

In short my purpose is to teach. My purpose is to help. This is what fulfills me the most and it’s what I am best at.

Additionally, what makes sense to me is that one should only teach those things that one has personal first-hand knowledge of. The thinking goes like this:

Whether I succeed of fail at some enterprise, the very reason I tried it is the same reason for which other people will likely try it too. Thus, by passing along what I’d learned in the process (whether I succeeded or not) will likely help shorten your learning curve. Thus, as a teacher, my basic philosophy is to simply teach the things I do. The more I learn – the more you learn!

I am Excited About House Hacking

The reason I am so excited about my latest adventure of House Hacking (which I am about to teach to you) is because having backed into this exact formula almost on accident, I am absolutely convinced that this is the best opportunity for in today’s cycle – period!

And not just for one group of people. For three. It is brilliant!

Some Numbers

As a blanket statement to kick things off let me just say that I am living in an upscale home in Chandler, Arizona, for so little that it might as well be free. And here’s how:

I bought a house. My PITI on this house is about $2,050 per month. After the first 4 months in my House Hack I am looking at about $7,000 in net cash flow on the books, and this includes the down summer months. I walk you through every last detail in the book, but basically I would be shocked, based on this current cash flow positioning of my house hack, if I don’t net $15,000 in the first year, or $1,300 per month average. Based on this, my housing burn is an average of $750 per month…

Like I said – might as well be free!

I moved my family from Lima, OH where we were living in half the house for $1,350 of PITI, to Chandler where were we live in a house twice the size, with pool, granite, travertine, and blue skies most every day for about half the cost…

We’ve 10X-ed our lives while cutting burn by 50%! CRAZINESS I tell you…

Why Did I Write the Book?

I am writing this book because I’ve realized that it would help an incredibly large number of people to know how to do a proper House Hack.

First – a good House Hack solves the problem of locational freedom. This technique underwrites the cost of living, and therefore enables us to convert a house that is a liability into a house that is a money-maker. This, in turn, is duplicatable in any market and facilitates moving around freely! My own personal situation is exactly this – locational freedom!

Second – a properly done House Hack is by far the best way to enter real estate investing for most newbies. In the book I break down all of the numbers and prove with hard data that a House Hack is the way to go in this cycle for many of you!

Three – if you are in an expensive market (coastal for instance), and do not think home-ownership is a possibility – it is! You just need to read my book and follow in my footsteps.

I am a teacher, guys, and this book is exciting. This book will help a lot of you!

But enough talk – let me show you!

Get Your PDF

Below is a link to get the Case-Study I prepared for you. It’s long…but good! I couldn’t cover everything, obviously, but you’ll gain enough of a perspective from it to be as excited as I am 🙂

Enjoy the case-study while you wait for the release of the real deal. I’ll be sure to reach out and keep you posted!

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