I am rather used to being invited on real estate investing podcasts – this happens with some regularity. However, I am not used to being asked to speak on the subject of parenting…
When Jesse Foster of Father Nation Podcast reached out to me, I wasn’t sure how to respond. I feel like I do more things wrong than I do right as it relates to parenting, and I have no idea how to add value to anyone’s life with anything I can say on the subject. I emailed Jesse asking him if he is sure about this, and advising him that I didn’t think I’d be an ideal guest for him and his audience.
Jesse explained that he’d been following me on JustAskBenWhy.com for a while, and that with so many dads out there looking for ways to do better financially, he felt like my perspective on money would be well-received by his audience. And besides, the magical thing about electronic media is that it can be edited and anything can be cut…
In the end, this turned out to be a powerful show. We spoke about money, passive cash, and wealth a bit, but mostly we spoke about things that truly matter – family!
Click here for the YoutTube preview.
Click here to listen on FatherNation.com
Click here to listen on iTunes
Please enjoy, and feel free to leave your thought below!