As you know by now, I love real estate and I love to talk about real estate. More specifically, it’s not real estate in and of itself that I love, but what it represents in my life and the lives of many well-educated but otherwise ordinary people. Real estate provided opportunities and answers in my life that were impossible with any other tool. It is this passion for the power of real estate and my desire to share this passion with the world that served is the impetus behind my creation of the Cash Flow Freedom University.
I have to tell you, though, that on the day I went live with the CFFU, there were no indications that anyone would want to listen to anything I have to say about life or business. As luck would have it, people do value the perspective that I am able to offer – it literally blows my mind.
I am truly grateful for the opportunity to share the things I know to be true with my audience. I am cognizant that through CFFU, as well as my blogging and speaking I am given an opportunity to influence lives in profound way. Thank you, my audience, for affording me the opportunity and honor to express my views and philosophies in a public forum. I take my position of influence very seriously indeed!
Over the years I’ve accepted several invitations for guest podcast appearance with three of the noted podcasters/bloggers in the real estate space. I’ve received a lot of positive feedback about this content, and I thought I’d share the links to the shows with you. All three of the podcasts are under one hour in length and can be downloaded for playback on a smart pad, smartphone, or your computer. If you are anything like me, I know you’ll listen to these in your car…lol
BiggerPockets Podcast; Show 383
Ben Leybovich and Brian Burke on Multifamily Syndication.
BiggerPockets Podcast; Show 14 with Josh Dorkin and Brandon Turner.
BiggerPockets is for my money the premier online community for real estate entrepreneurs, where Josh Dorkin is the founder and CEO and Brandon Turner is the community manager. Many of you know that I am a featured writer on the BiggerPockets Blog.
This was an awesome, two-hour long episode of the BiggerPockets Podcast. It was memorable for several reasons. One – we really dug into aspects of what makes a good multifamily acquisition; covered a lot of details. Two – this was a return for me to the BiggerPockets show; I was the first repeat guest ever. And three – in lieu of being an interview, this show was very much more of a conversation, with lots of back and forth dynamic which enabled us to get to really explore the topic in some detail. This was really an awesome show!
Ben Leybovich on Get Rich Education Podcast with Keith Weinhold
Keith Weinhold is an investor who models himself on the teachings of Robert Kiyosaki, but has developed a knowledge bank which quite obviously transcends the basics in the Rich Dad books series. If you were to talk to Keith you would be immediately impressed with the fact that the stuff he knows can only be internalized by doing – reading won’t get you there…
I like that. I am of the opinion that there is a world of difference between knowledge and perspective, and while the prior can be learned, the latter has to be experienced and internalized. The list of Keith’s other guests reads like a who is who of the real estate, finance, and economics world. I mean, seriously – all guys and gals whose books I read to get smart; people like Harry Dent, Tom Wheelright, Ken McElroy, Sharon Lechter, T. Harv Eker, and naturally Robert Kiyosaki, and many others. Take a listen – fantastic show!
There are some people who are smarter than me, as hard as it may be to imagine…:) Well, this was my third appearance on the BiggerPockets podcast, and in this show, aside for Brandon and Josh, I had the pleasure of engaging in conversation with two very smart people, namely my friends Brian Burke and Serge Shukhat. Was it funny as all get-up at times – absolutely! But, it was also very, very good, high level conversation!
I’ve got a treat for you with this one. I was invited to appear on CardoneZone with Grant Cardone, and it turned out to be a hell of an interview.
Grant Cardone is big time. He wrote the now famous The 10x Rule and Sell or Be Sold. He has made a ton of money in business, and a ton more in real estate by investing in apartments.
His recent appearance on the BiggerPockets podcast generated a lot of buzz, but not everyone agreed with everything Grant had to say – I certainly didn’t. Specifically, he made it out like No-Money-Down investing is baloney, with which, as you can imagine, I disagree…
Well – just cause I can, I wrote a post for the BiggerPockets blog entitled Grant Cardone is Fabulous, but He’s Wrong:Here’s Why. If you think my post generated a lot of heat – you are right; 65 comments and counting!
Grant read the post, and he brought me on his show to school me – a few sparks flew!
I appear about 35 minutes into the thing. My good friend Bradon Turner comes on before me representing BiggerPockets. The whole show was great. Check it:
JustStartRealEstate Podcast; Show 4 with Mike Simmons.
Mike Simmons is a real estate investor in Michigan, and in 2013 he started his podcast JusStartRealEstate.com
RealEstateFinanceHQ; Interview with Jimmy Moncrief.
Jimmy Moncrief works in the banking industry by day and invests in real estate by night. On his finance blog RealEstateFinanceHQ Jimmy teaches real estate investors how to qualify for the best institutional loan terms, and in 2013 he became a fellow writer on the BiggerPockets Blog.
Louisville Gal’s Real Estate blog: Creative Finance for Multifamily Property, Episode 27
Sharon Vornholt is a real estate investor in Louisville, KY. Her focus is on wholesaling and probate. Sharon is a fellow blogger on BiggerPockets.
Life On Pire; Passive Income: Episode 07
This is an in-depth interview with Les Weitman. Less’ blog caters to accredited investors, as defined by the SEC.
Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever with Joe Fairless; Episode 94
Joe Fairless is a fellow investor and syndicator. He is also the creator of the Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever podcast. I’ve known Joe for a while through BiggerPockets, where all of the cool kids hang out, so when his people approached my people about me joining for an episode I couldn’t say no. I know Joe to be a knowledgeable guy, and I was certain that the interview would be on the level – and it was.
I think you’ll enjoy this show. Take a listen, and feel free to leave me some thoughts below!
Listen to the show on Joe’s website: http://goo.gl/t6Ofn4; Or on iTunes: http://goo.gl/HnvRbx
Nice expose in the REI Wealth Magazine
A few months ago I appeared on the FatherNation podcast with Jesse Foster. This is a fun, and important, podcast which aims to provide young dads with useful information on how to do our jobs of fatherhood better. I don’t know about you, but being a father, for me, has been the most challenging job to date, and when Jesse reached out to me to appear on his show, I had doubts about how much use I would be to anyone…
But, I guess we did alright since a few weeks ago Jesse reached out to me again. This time, he wanted to do a show specifically geared toward financial literacy. He is in contact with a lot of dads, and the notion of being “a provider” is a theme that keeps coming up. In this show, Jesse and I take the listener to the beginning fundamentals. We cover how to provide financially for your family. Some of the topics we discuss include:
- Earned Income vs. Passive Income
- Income Tax and Effective Tax Rate
- Systems and Investing
- Efficient Market Hypothesis and its’ Application to Equity and Real Estate Markets
- Relationship of the Balance Sheet and Income Statement
- And Much More
Take a listen guys – lots of interesting information in this show: Click Here
This is likely one of the best shows I’ve ever had the pleasure of recording. Ken Corsini is the real deal. Ken’s been around as long as I have, done a lot of deals, gained a lot of knowledge and perspective, and our conversation was based on truth as we see it – awesome!
Ken and I come at it from different perspectives since our chosen paths in real estate over the past decade have been very different. But, our very different paths have nonetheless lead us to similar perception of the reality – Ken and I most definitely see eye to eye. On his show, I was able to outline things exactly as I see them; no fluff, no feel-good hurray Real Estate bull shit – just the truth about how things work, and why.
InvestFourMore Podcast with Mark Ferguson
This show is interesting in that Mark and I have differing views on a number of subjects, from licensing to our approach to real estate finance, and I think some of those differences are evident in this podcast. Just shows you – more than one way to Rome 🙂
Mark and I have known each other for a few years now, and are comfortable enough around each other so we can joke and be a bit more “edgy” with one another, which makes for an entertaining podcast.
Finally, both Mark and I aside for being in real estate investing are also big on putting out our thoughts on our websites. In this podcast we compare notes on this subject as well.
All and all – about 60 minutes of fun and solid information. Click Here to listen – enjoy!
Bill Manassero, creator of the Old Dawg’s Network, reached out to me to appear on his podcast about 3 weeks ago. The show is geared toward the more seasoned crowd and the focus is on cash flow as a means to support retirement. Take a listen – turned out to be a good show!
Cash Flow Guys Podcast; Show 146
I’ve been fortunate to appear on a lot of different podcasts over the years. All, hopefully, are educational to some extent. Some are quite entertaining. Few are truly in-depth. But, almost none are truly honest to the core…
This is understandable. Everyone is selling something, and as a result, no one wants to offend anyone or step on too many toes.
This guy, Tyler Sheff, doesn’t seem to care one iota about PC, whom he offends, or how many toes he steps on. He tells the truth as he knows it. I love it!
This is Sam’s first appearance on Cash Flow Guys POdcast and my second, and I am telling you – brutally honest…
Wrap Up
I enjoyed speaking to these folks and in each case we were able to deliver very high quality content that I think you will find beneficial. Please enjoy these podcast and please leave a comment.
Thank you!
Photo Credit: Colleen AF Venable via Compfight cc