In a recent editorial entitled “Higher Education Bubble Will Pop,” George Will examines higher education relative to the concepts of value vs. quality, and makes the point that the two no longer co-exist within higher education. Truly, most students pay the money for a piece of paper, not so much the knowledge that comes with it. As we all know, or should know, the piece of paper is no longer synonymous with financial success – if it ever was.
But the argument is even more simple and intuitive than that – Just FOLLOW THE MONEY! I see stories in four different papers on a daily basis about college graduates out of work. This is going to get worse, not better. Companies have figured out that they can do more with less; so why hire?
So, all these fancy degrees are certainly do not appear to be putting dough into graduate’s pockets, which begs the question: Whose pockets is this money settling-in? Answer – The colleges and the banks that are too happy to finance a student’s education. Higher education has become a gamble similar to the stock market, in which the middleman, be it the college or the stock broker, wins whether you do or not…
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